Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Hai everyone!!!Lama x update this blog. Now i want to share with u all my NIKE collections. Sebenarnya saya ni pantang je nampak barang-barang NIKE sure nak beli lagi-lagi kalo sandal. When I wear this sandal I feel confident, comfortable and elegant..hehehe..All this sandal ada yang I beli time sale so xda la mahal sangat..hehe...

My first NIKE sandal...Masih ada lagi sampai now tapi dahkoyak2 sket..tp saya tetap syg this sandal...hope sandal ni masih bertahan...

My second sandal...da kepam color die..hehe..xpenah basuh lagi...comfort pakai this sandal...looks cute...beli  sandal ni time ada sale...lupa da berapa harga..hehehe...

I beli this sandal coz ada sale...hehe..50% discount tu...this sandal  like my first sandal. I want to give this to  my younger brother Fifi...hope he like it..

Ni sandal baru je beli..belum pakai lg...its looks elegance due to pink and black color combination...sandal ni  my love yang pilih.coz die suka tengok color ni..hehe...